Jesus, Age 38, was the beginning of Overlooked New York. I saw him riding his splendid bicycle concoction down Avenue B in the East Village and flagged him down in the middle of the street. He’s a man of few words, but with the help of my friend Vicky translating, I pried a little bit out of him about the Puerto Rico Schwinn Club.
“I keep my bike at home. I got into it cause of my friends. After a while I realized I should do it.
“I grew up in New York. I've had a car, but I didn't fix it up a lot.
“I decide what to add next from looking around and seeing what you like on other guys' bikes.
“I didn't get into this cause of my father -- I never knew my father.
“When I drive by, the people ask questions, they stare. They ask how long it takes to fix up the bike, if it costs a lot of money. I tell them it take 3-4 months and it costs a lot. The parts are expensive.
“I’ve only fixed up one bike.
“I ride in parades with the other guys, like the Puerto Rican Day Parade and the Three Kings. I like it when people notice!”
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